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Developing Resilient Youth

Understanding who they are, loving who they are and having a sense of belonging to their communities are important factors in the positive growth of our youth.

Enhanced Youth Outreach Worker

The Enhanced Youth Outreach Worker (EYOW) program is geared to youth experiencing challenges related to mental health, addictions, trauma, relationship violence, or human/sex trafficking. We provide participants with techniques to help them cope with the issues they are facing and connect them to additional services to help strengthen their self-esteem. The program:

  • Is a clinical intervention program for youth 12 to 21

  • Connects youth with services within the Region to help them develop coping skills

  • Empowers youth and their families to take action to improve their well-being

  • Provides mentorship and advocates for improved access to services on behalf of youth and their families

Contact our Client Service Navigator at 905-455-6789  ext. 125 or email

Black Leaders of Tomorrow Program

The Black Leaders of Tomorrow (BLT) program is our youth business mentoring program. We match mentors with youth who identify as Black and who want to develop their business and professional leadership skills. The BLT program helps youth hone their communication, leadership, and financial management skills. It offers Black youth the opportunity to learn and grow with the support of seasoned entrepreneurs and business professionals.

  • Geared toward youth ages 16 to 24

  • Matches youth with a business mentor in which youth develop their business acumen and apply their knowledge to developing a business plan

  • Inspires youth to embrace their identity, make healthy and safe choices, increase resiliency and make progress toward their identified goals

  • Provides opportunities for youth to realize their passion and/or talent

  • Creates an environment where business leaders are encouraged and willing to use their talents to elevate Black youth

  • Youth who complete the program successfully are eligible to obtain an honorarium

Funded by the Ministry of Children, Community & Social Services through the Ontario Black Youth Action Plan.

Learn more about the BLT program and how to become a mentee or mentor...

Contact our BLT team at 905-455-6789 ext. 118, or by email at

Black Youth School Success Initiative

We have partnered with other agencies serving the black community, the United Way Greater Toronto, Peel District School Board, and the Dufferin Peel Catholic District School Board in the Region of Peel to implement the Black Youth School Success Initiative. The program:

  • Is a collaboration of agencies who provide wrap-around services to help Black youth graduate or be on track for graduation

  • We provide tutoring and life skills workshops to partnering schools

  • Provides tutoring and life skills workshops to youth in partnering schools

Contact our ALT team at 905-455-6789 or email

Student and Family Advocate Initiative

Student and Family Advocates support Black students and their families as they navigate the education system. This initiative addresses disparities in educational outcomes due to systemic and structural barriers. Working from anti-Black racism, anti-oppression and cultural-safety lenses, the program promotes responsive education systems, positive student outcomes and increased student belonging.

  • Deliver services in the Region of Peel for students ages 6-18 and in the Region of Halton for students ages 6-23
  • Create a safe space for Black students and their families' voices to be heard
  • Provide culturally-responsive support to help Black students and their families develop solutions to meet their needs
  • Develop and offer wrap-around services to students identified to be at risk of not completing high school and those involved with child welfare and the justice system
  • Provide leadership, advice, and support to schools on anti-Black racism and systemic discrimination

Funded by the Ministry of Citizenship and Multiculturalism

Contact our Client Service Navigator at 905-455-6789 ext. 125 or email

AMANI Mental Health & Substance Use Program

AMANI offers culturally responsive and affirming mental health and substance use health support for Black youth, ages 12–29, alongside their families and caregivers, in Peel/Halton Region. We provide a safe and welcoming space for Black, African, and Caribbean youth to talk about mental health and substance use health issues. 

The AMANI Mental Health & Substance Use Program (formerly known as the Substance Abuse Program  for African Canadian and Caribbean Youth or "SAPACCY") provides a range of confidential, personalized services: 

  • Assessment and Treatment Planning: Work with our team to identify mental health and substance use health concerns. Together, we can create a plan with clear goals and activities to support your personal growth.
  • Counseling: Discuss life challenges in talk-based sessions that focus on setting goals and developing coping strategies to improve your mental health.
  • Psychotherapy: Engage in focused therapy to address emotional or psychological challenges that affect daily life and relationships.
  • Psychiatry: Receive an assessment, diagnosis, and treatment plan, which may include medication and follow-up to support your wellness.
  • Group Therapy: Join sessions with others who share similar goals in a supportive setting. Group therapy helps through shared experiences and offers tools for managing wellness.
  • Caregivers Support Group: A program for family members and caregivers of Black youth facing mental health or substance use health challenges, providing education and peer connection.
  • Case Management/Service Navigation: Work with our team to access social services and ensure you receive the right supports when you need them.
  • Mental Health Promotion and Prevention: Take part in programs that address factors affecting mental health, such as housing and financial issues, to help improve wellness for Black youth, families, caregivers, and communities.

Funded by the Ministry of Health through the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH)

Learn more about the AMANI program and how you can receive support

Make a difference!

We cannot do it alone and so rely on you – our funders, donors, volunteers – to help us build a strong community that holds a brighter future for our children and youth, a peaceful place for our seniors, and a safe and clean environment for everyone. There are a few ways you can help to make a difference. Which one will you choose?

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